You can be heard more easily under the noise than above it.
- I'll Take Manhattan, Sidney Sheldon

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Daily Gratitude Log 11

Gratitude Challenge
List 3 Things You Tend to Take For Granted (and What You Intend to do About Them) 

I think there are many things I tend to take for granted, but these are the first 3 things that I thought of when I saw this challenge. 

For the past few days, as mom has not been feeling well, I realized I tend to take her for granted especially when it came to having a home-cooked meal waiting for me when I came home from work.    When she was away at my brother's place, I had to buy packed food home or prepare some of my own meals when I reached home.   Although sometimes, i would  cook some of the meals during the weekends, I will make it a point to do so more often or I would take her out for a meal so that she can have a rest. 

Recently I met back a friend I have not seen for ages during a wedding dinner.  We had not kept in touch although we were quite close at one time.   When the MC informed that we can validate our parking ticket to a one-entry fee, I found that I had left my ticket in my car.  My friend without hesitation, accompanied me to the car-park to collect my ticket.  When we went back into the dinning hall, we spent a lot of time catching up and I realized that I have taken our friendship for granted.  I will make it a point to call her and ask her how she is doing and maybe arrange for us to meet once in a while.  

Water is one thing I often take for granted until there is a dry spell in the weather and there is an announcement that there will be a water cut in my area.   We would then have to store some water for our daily use.   I will make it a point to try to conserve water and ensure that I switch off the tap when I am brushing my teeth.  

3 things I am Grateful for Today....

(i) for today's challenge for reminding me not to take things for granted.
(ii) for a clean and tidy house.  
(iii) for the company of my fellow Ashtanga buddy during our Mysore self practice this morning.

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