Give Thanks to Yourself
How time flies? Today is already day 7 of the 14-day Gratitude Challenge. Today's challenge is to give thanks to myself which is not an easy task to write about as Asians are quite shy about receiving compliments, what more, I now have to tell the world what I am grateful for about myself.
However, I am grateful to be given this opportunity to write about the good things about me. Firstly, I believe I am a good daughter as I have always put my family above everything else. I am also a good friend as I don't give away confidences and will offer my help to the best of my ability. I am kind and sincere and I believe that when I helped others, I am also helping myself. I believe in karma.."do good and be good". I am always glad to share information with my friends and colleagues as I believe that "sharing is caring".
I have learned to get out of my comfort zone, to take risks and go after what I want which has been inspired by the quote below.
I am happy with my life and would not exchange it with anyone else as everyone has their own problems. I have learned to laugh at myself and not to worry about things which might not happen and finally, I love myself for who I am.
3 Things I am Grateful for Today....
(i) that I joined this challenge as It has enable me to start writing again.
(ii) that there were no problems in the internal audit check on my unit today.
(iii) a hot meal for my dinner which was bought at a stall near my house.
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