You can be heard more easily under the noise than above it.
- I'll Take Manhattan, Sidney Sheldon

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Daily Gratitude Log 8

Gratitude Challenge: 
Transform An Ungrateful Thought 

Today's challenge is to reflect on any ungrateful thought that we might had and write about how we can transform this thought into a grateful thought. 

For this exercise, I can think of one incident that happened on Monday, which was when there was no internet connection in my office as the server was down for almost 2 hours.    As I was rushing to complete an assignment where I had to key-in information to a website and it has to completed by the end of the week, i was feeling very annoyed as without the internet connection, it meant that my work was at a standstill.  

When I  called  the staff in the IT Dept. to check on the situation and was informed that they were trying to restore the connection, I could feel that the staff who answered the phone was a bit frazzled as she must have  been receiving a lot of calls and complaints from many staff.    I realized that the IT staff were trying their best to resolve the matter as fast as possible but sometimes, it was beyond their control.   When there was no problem with the internet connection, nobody would praise them for a job well done but when something goes wrong, everyone would be breathing down their neck.  

At that time, rather than wait in frustration, I managed to catch up on my filing  and also started to work on writing the minutes of a meeting.    

Today, while reflecting on this, I know that I should be grateful that with the internet connection being down, I have actually managed to do some of my other work which have been left aside. 

3 Things I am Grateful for Today...

(i) mom feeling much better after the two acupuncture sessions. 
(ii) completing my assignment at work before the deadline. 
(iii) finding a parking space easily at the night market when I went to buy dinner for mom and myself tonight.

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